Event Sponsors
October 1-31:
ART & ANTIQUEFEST: This event was created to increase awareness of our region's artistic heritage and antiques shops. Visit participating galleries, museums and shops for great deals on art and antiques throughout southern Maine. Presented in conjunction with the York Region Chamber of Commerce.https://chamber.ogunquit.org/events/details/art-antiquefest-2018-7068
OGUNQUITFEST FALL DECORATING CONTEST HAS BEGUN! Explore the town as businesses decorate and compete for the best scarecrow and fall display. Ballot boxes located around town through Saturday, October 21.
Friday, October 19, 2018
4-7pm HAUNTED HOUSE Leavitt Theatre. Check out the haunted house at the Leavitt. Two versions available: Regular tour is $8 per person. Less scary kids' tour is $5.Friday, October 19, 2018
5:30-7pm TRICK OR TREAT Downtown shops. Presented by Ogunquit Parks and Recreation Committee. Stop in at participating shops to get a treat!
7pm FREE MOVIE Leavitt Theatre, 259 Main Street, Ogunquit. Coco, a children's movie presented by Ogunquit Parks and Recreation Committee. Free for trick-or-treaters and their parents!
Saturday, October 20, 2018
9am-4pm AUTUMN BAZAAR Main Beach parking lot. Find that one-of-a-kind special item from one of our 75 vendors. Get an early jump on your holiday shopping! Non-perishable food donations being accepted for the York County Shelter or pet food for the Animal Welfare Society. While you are there, join in the Painted Pumpkin Pursuit or guess the number of gourds at the Chamber of Commerce booth to win a prize!9:30-10:30am DOGTOBERFEST BEACH WALK Main Beach. Walk your dog on the beach, socialize with other dog owners while your pup meets new friends, and enter to win great prizes. Dogs must stay on leash!
10am-1pm ANTIQUE & CLASSIC CAR SHOW Main Beach parking lot. Vote on your favorite classic car! Winners announced at 12:30pm. Free admission. Car registration (8-10am): $15. Rain date: Sunday, 10am-1pm.
10:30-11:30am GREAT PUMPKIN PATCH PRESENTATION Dunaway Center, School Street. An autumn delight for kids of all ages. Pumpkins, paints, markers, and stickers supplied. No carving please. Pumpkins provided by Ogunquit Parks and Recreation Committee.
11am-2pm BOOK SIGNING Village Toy Funatic, 232 Main Street. Meet Paddington Bear illustrator R.W. Alley, and author Zoe B. Alley. They will be signing books including There's a Wolf at the Door, which was selected as a Washington Post Best Book of the Year and There's a Princess in the Palace.
11:30am-12:30pm WHOOPIE PIE EATING CONTEST Old Village School Playground, Cottage Street. Who can eat Maine's favorite treat the fastest without using their hands? Adult and children's divisions. Rain location: Dunaway Center, School Street.
12noon-6pm RUCK FOR OUR FALLEN Footbridge Beach, end of Ocean Street. Military grade ruck event to raise money for Gold Star families. Three fitness levels tailored for adults. FMI: ruckforourfallen.com, info@mainefallenheroes.org, 207-229-0229.
2pm-5pm FREE WINE TASTING Perkins & Perkins Wine and Cheese, 478 Main Street, Ogunquit. Taste wines for fall and your Thanksgiving table.
2:30-3:30pm OGUNQUITFEST OBSTACLE COURSE River side of Ogunquit Main Beach. Let the kids run off some energy in our Halloween-themed Obstacle Course on the beach. Weather permitting.
2:30-4pm RIVER RALLY MOVED TO SUNDAY AT 11AM! Moved to coincide with the Costume Parade.
4-9pm HAUNTED HOUSE Leavitt Theatre. Check out the haunted house at the Leavitt. Two versions available: Regular tour is $8 per person. Less scary kids' tour is $5.
6-8pm GHOSTLY TOURS Ogunquit Heritage Museum, Obeds Lane. Stop in for a ghostly walk through Ogunquit. Tours by the Ogunquit Heritage Museum. Bring your flashlight ? it?s dark out there! $5 adults, children under 10 free. Weather permitting. Parking available at Obed's Lot (entrance to lot is on Cottage Street).
Sunday, October 21, 2018
10am-3pm AUTUMN BAZAAR Main Beach parking lot. See Saturday description.10-11am CHILDREN'S ENTERTAINMENT AND COSTUME CONTEST Ogunquit Village School, Cottage Street. Win prizes for great costumes! Rain location: Dunaway Center, School Street. Presented by Ogunquit Parks and Recreation Committee.
11am RIVER RALLY Ogunquit Footbridge, end of Ocean Street. Meet at the Footbridge, put in and paddle to the Beach Street bridge and back. It's not a race, just good fun. Kayaks and SUPs welcome. Ages 18+. Weather permitting.
11am COSTUME PARADE (also part of DOGTOBERFEST) Ogunquit Village School, School Street to Main Beach. 11am step-off. Costumed kids, adults, and canines welcome to parade down the sidewalks! Miss Maine 2018 will be making a special appearance! Rain location: Under the tents at the Main Beach Parking Lot. Weather permitting.
11:30am DOGTOBERFEST POOCH COSTUME AWARDS (or immediately after the Costume Parade), End of Beach Street. Let your dog strut its stuff during the parade, then judges will choose their favorites. After walking in costume in the parade, your dog deserves the opportunity to win a fun doggie prize and the bragging rights of "Ogunquit's Best Dressed Dog"!
12pm WAITER RACES end of Beach Street. See if you can make the cut! Waiters will race the cul-de-sac at the end of Beach Street through an obstacle course and holding a full tray! Contestants must make it around the course without spilling in order to win the prize! Anyone can participate. Weather permitting.
12pm-4pm OKTOBERFEST Cornerstone, 228 Main Street. Featuring Opa's Oompah Band.
3pm HIGH HEEL DASH AND WALK-OFF Perkins Cove. Watch the hijinks as brave souls race around Perkins Cove in high heels! Better yet, join in the race! Heels must be at least 2? high. Don't have any? We have some you can borrow. Prizes awarded for Best Time, Highest Heel and Most Outrageous Costume! Proceeds from registration will go to Frannie Peabody Center (peabodycenter.org). Please note that Perkins Cove Road will be closed to traffic from 2:30pm until the end of the Dash (approximately 3:30pm).
4-8pm HAUNTED HOUSE Leavitt Theatre. Check out the haunted house at the Leavitt. Two versions available: Regular tour is $8 per person. Less scary kids' tour is $5.

Date and Time
Friday Oct 19, 2018 Sunday Oct 21, 2018
Throughout Ogunquit
Most events are free.
Contact Information
Frances Reed
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