Event Sponsors
Schedule of Events (all events subject to change)
OGUNQUIT STOCKS, AND MORE PHOTO OPS (throughout town) Photo opportunities for the whole family! Don't worry, the stocks don't lock, but they will be available all weekend for photo opportunities. Another fun photo opportunity available with a life-size cut-out stand-up where you can take a photo of yourself dressed in old-time bathing suits, as Uncle Sam, and more!
SCAVENGER HUNT (throughout Ogunquit) Visit some of the businesses around town to find the antiques and other items relating to colonial days in stores throughout town. Can you find them, just based on their descriptions?
Participating locations as of March 4: Bangor Savings Bank; Flip's of Maine; Gorges Grant Hotel; The Green Heron; Hutchins Antiques; Juniper Hill Inn; LaPizzeria; The Milestone; Norseman Resort; Perkins & Perkins Fine Wine & Cheese; Seacastles Resort; Sweats of Ogunquit on Beach St; Village Toy Funatic.
GUESS THE WEIGHT OF THE TEA CHEST (under the tents at the beach) How much did a tea chest weigh? Look at the chest and guess what it would have weighed when full of tea. No, as a safety precaution, you will not get to lift the box! As a bonus, answer the question on the entry card correctly, and we will double your prize!
COLONIAL FLAG TREASURE HUNT (under the tents at the beach) Find all of the flags at the craft fair. Using the page in your brochure, draw each flag in the appropriate colony's box. You aren't being judged for artistic talent! We may throw in some other Colonial-era flags in to throw you off the trail! Turn in your solution at the Ogunquit Chamber table under the tent and be entered to win a prize.
"ONE IF BY LAND, AND TWO IF BY SEA": The Green Heron (16 Shore Road) celebrates Patriot's Day. In honor of Paul Revere's famous midnight ride we're having a special sale for April. Buy one landscape painting or print take 10% off. Buy 2 seascape paintings or prints take 20% off the 2nd one of equal or lesser value.
CLEARANCE SALE: Lazy Daisy (45 Shore Road) 50% to 70% off all clearance clothing in their "sale room".
FRIDAY, APRIL 12, 2019
9:00am-5:00pm: LIBRARY BOOK SALE (Ogunquit Memorial Library) Used book sale, with proceeds to fund the Ogunquit Memorial Library.
4-8pm: OPEN HOUSE (Salon Loka, 16 Shore Road) Kicking off Patriot's Weekend at Salon Loka with an open house featuring Coastal Aesthetics providing Botox ($11 unit) and Dermaplaning ($45) Now taking appointments for these services or feel free to stop by! We'll have raffles, giveaways and 20% off Bumble and Bumble. The girls will be providing complimentary airbrush demos and makeup applications. Let them get you ready for a night out on the town and come see what we are all about!
5-7pm: OPEN HOUSE (The Green Heron, 16 Shore Road) Open house to kick off Patriots Day.
7pm: HISTORICAL RE-ENACTMENT: RE-ENACTMENT OF THE BOSTON TEA PARTY (Perkins Cove) Watch our colonists from the dock as they throw chests of tea off the Bunny Clark.
8pm: FIFE AND DRUM CONCERT (upstairs at the Ogunquit Baptist Church, 157 Shore Road) Learn about our colonial heritage of song as the Patriot Fife and Drum Duo play traditional songs and teach us about the instruments themselves and the signals revolutionary fifers and drummers gave to the soldiers in the heat of battle.
8pm: 19TH ANNIVERSARY PARTY (MaineStreet Ogunquit, 195 Main Street) You're invited to celebrate with us! MEST turns 19 and we have all of you to thank for many years of memories! Entertaining Ogunquit for 19 years! Party starts at 8pm, followed by Karaoke at 10pm. 21+.
9:00am-4:00pm: BEACH BAZAAR (at the Kennebunk Savings Bank tents on the Main Beach parking lot) Over 50 vendors will sell their wares under the tent!
9:00am-5:00pm: OGUNQUIT MEMORIAL LIBRARY BOOK SALE (Ogunquit Memorial Library)
10:00-11:00am: CHILDREN'S CRAFTS (Ogunquit Baptist Church, 157 Shore Road) Make a bilbo-catcher, whirligig, or yarn doll - all toys that colonial kids would have. Or choose from our patriotic themed crafts. Appropriate for ages 4-10.
10:00-3:00pm: HAY RIDES (Veteran's Park, Beach Street) Hay rides on Beach Street. $5 per person. Weather permitting.
11:30am-1:00pm: TASTE OF THE TOWN (Dunaway Center, 23 School Street) A variety of area restaurants will serve up their special dishes for you to try out! Buy tickets at the door or ahead of time online. Bring a donation for our local food pantry or animal shelter. Admission: Ages 21+: $15. Under 21: $10.
12:00 noon: AMERICAN PIE CONTEST (downstairs at the Dunaway Center, 23 School Street) Submit one home-made pie in an "American" flavor to our "celebrity judges". Pies will be judged during Taste of the Town in the following categories: theme, appearance, and taste. The grand prize winner will receive $50 in Gift of Ogunquit gift certificates, and the recipe will be featured in our 2018 Ogunquit Menu Guide. Of course, the best prize is the bragging rights for having made the best pie in Ogunquit! Winners will be announced after Taste of the Town.
1:30pm: JUNIOR FIFE & DRUM CORP PRESENTATION (Ogunquit Heritage Museum). The Piscataqua Rangers Jr Fife and Drum Corps was organized in 2014 as a ministry to children between the age of 10 and 18. It is free to join. Currently the only junior fife and drum corps in both states, their mission is to preserve the art and music of ancient fife and drum, to teach our cultural heritage to young people, to make the art relative to today's audience, and to raise the public's patriotic spirit.
2-5pm: FREE WINE TASTING (Perkins & Perkins Wine & Cheese Shop, 478 Main Street) Wines for Easter dinner.
8pm: KARLA BONOFF CONCERT (Jonathan's Ogunquit, 92 Bourne Lane) Go to for ticket information.
9pm-1am: THE AWESOME 80s PROM (MaineStreet Ogunquit, 195 Main Street) Featuring Guest DJ Andrea Stamas. No Cover Event! Sign up for the FREE guest list. Relive all things 80's and come on into the Prom! Great 80's music, décor and fun! 21+
SUNDAY, APRIL 14, 2019
10:00am-3:00pm: BEACH BAZAAR (at the Kennebunk Savings Bank tent at the Main Beach parking lot) See Saturday description.
11am: RE-ENACTMENT OF THE FLAG RAISING AT IWO JIMA (Marginal Way, in front of Beachmere Inn) While the flag raising at Iwo Jima did not take place during the Revolutionary War, we take a moment to remember and give thanks to all of those who have fought for our freedom throughout our history. Miss Maine Olivia Mayo will sing the national anthem. Weather permitting. Veterans are welcome to join us for free coffee and snacks at the Beachmere Inn immediately after the re-enactment.
12:30pm: PATRIOTIC POOCH PAGEANT AND FASHION SHOW (Liquid Dreams parking lot, 696 Main Street. Weather permitting.) Dress your dog in costume, or just come to watch the show! Two costume categories: Patriotic (red, white, and blue) and Favorite American (any Abe Lincoln wannabe's out there?) Prizes will be awarded for most patriotic costume and best costume impersonation.
8pm: OGUNQUIT'S GOT TALENT: (MaineStreet Ogunquit, 195 Main Street) Ogunquit's Got Talent...and oh yes it does!! We're back for another year of great local performances to benefit the Southern Maine Aids Walk with your hosts, Anita Ginger and Minerva Maine!

Date and Time
Friday Apr 12, 2019 Sunday Apr 14, 2019